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There are a myriad of circumstances in which humans experience causes for grief and loss. Animal care providers have a higher prevalence of such emotional experiences which puts them at risk for higher rates of depression and anxiety. This course focuses on theories, interventions and treatments for humans experiencing grief and loss in the homes and workplaces. Additional foci will include compassion fatigue, assessment skills, suicidal ideation, crisis intervention and how animals might serve as a support for those who are grieving.


This course is taught in the School of Social Work at Colorado State University and through CSU Online.

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As emerging professionals in the field of social work or a related field, it is important to know how to communicate knowledge in an engaging, but factual, way. In SOWK 557, students are asked to synthesize, formulate and communicate information about a topic of their choice concerning grief and loss. The  goal is to create a visual or text-based output for a client, organization, friend, or the public about a chosen issue related to grief. 

The population, content, and format of the project are the student’s choice. Example populations might include children, veterans, veterinarians, or the general public. Formats may be a blog post, infographic, Youtube video, a support group curriculum, or something entirely unique. 


The purpose of this website is to showcase this student work and provide a platform to share these grief and loss resources. 

Image by Kelly Sikkema
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